Tuesday, 25 Feb, 2025


How to Help Your Partner Deal With Stress

a kind word and a gentle reassurance are some of the most helpful actions you can take as your partner goes through tough, stressful times. Joni Johnson, director of the Ottawa Couple and Family Institute, explains that a loving response is just the thing stressed partners needs. It calms

Why peanut butter is good for you

This makes you feel full longer, so you end up eating less overall. It is also packed with nutrition because a serving of peanut butter has 3 mg of the powerful antioxidant vitamin E, 49 mg of bone-building magnesium, 208 mg of muscle-friendly potassium, and 0.17 mg of immunity-boosting

Shampoo that triggers hair growth at twice the normal rate

Scientists behind Fast, or Fortified Amino Scalp Therapy, say their product can grow hair by as much as two inches in just one month, which is double the usual rate. Tests of the product suggest that the rate of growth increases the longer a person uses the products, the Daily Mail

Health benefits of canola oil

Canola oil is extracted from the seeds of the canola plant. It has good nutritional value, a light texture and a neutral taste. Canola oil’s mild flavour does not overwhelm the taste of other ingredients and can be used for both sauting and baking, read a statement. Its high heat

Home remedies for dry hair

While we cannot escape the seasonal vagaries, we can do a lot to prevent our hair from becoming dry and brittle during the season. Here are a few tips to keep you in good stead. -It is best to avoid hair colouring and ironing during the season. However, if that is next to impossible,

How to Deal with Toothache at night

It can prevent you from enjoying your daily activities, eating, and sleeping. The most common problem with this pain is that it becomes worse at night. It is more likely to worsen at night when you try to sleep or lie down. Fortunately, you can deal with it by following a few simple tips.

Fried food 'fine for heart' if cooked with olive oil

They found no heightened risk of heart disease or premature death linked to food that had been cooked in this way. But the investigators stress that their findings, from studying the typical Spanish diet in which these "healthy" oils are found in abundance, do not apply to lard or

10 Simple Ways to Get Happy

We’re not suggesting that you can reach a permanent state called “happiness” and remain there. But there are many ways to swerve off the path of anxiety, anger, frustration, and sadness into a state of happiness once or even several times throughout the day. Here are 10 ideas to get

Face more important than body for women?

The research, conducted by Astral Original, has highlighted that many women feel they have focussed too little on their body and only used creams on their face, reports femalefirst.co.uk. The study shows that a quarter of women believed that their body was ageing faster than it should

The Fruit That Really Does Keep the Doctor Away

One of the latest discoveries is that eating at least 2 servings a week of whole fruit—particularly apples, blueberries, or grapes—trims risk for type 2 diabetes by up to 23 percent, compared to people who eat less than one serving per month, according to new data from three

Your Husband No Longer Loves You

The only time when some couples really enjoy their married lives is during honeymoon. Soon after they get into the nitty gritty of a married life, some couples face a lot of challenges that threaten to throw them apart. Life is often very stressful, and this easily affects emotions.

Natural Ways to Lower Blood Pressure

Exercise helps the heart use oxygen more efficiently, so it doesn’t work as hard to pump blood. Get a vigorous cardio workout of at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. Try increasing speed or distance so you keep challenging your ticker. 2. Breathe deeply Slow breathing and

Health and wealth found to be strongly connected

The group examined Americans’ Google search patterns and discovered that during the recent Great Recession, people searched considerably more frequently for information about health ailments. The kinds of problems indicated by the queries weren’t life threatening, but they could

The Internet Is a Safer Place for Your Teen Than You Think

Based on a decade of research and interviews with adolescents from the suburbs to the inner city, It’s Complicated is a persuasive anti-alarmist polemic that should help ease parents’ concerns about all sorts of Internet bogeymen. “There’s a large part of me that wants everyone

Are You Wearing Cheap Sunglasses?

Are You Wearing Cheap Sunglasses After This, You Will Never Do That Again! Specifically, this mother of two has just had cancer because she was wearing cheap sunglasses and doctors had to remove her right eye! She believes that she got skin cancer while she was on vacation when she

The Absolute Easiest Way to Lose Weight

Instead, my focus is on reaching for delicious foods that naturally help you manage weight; choices that boost satiety, rev up metabolism, build calorie-burning muscle, or provide key nutrients involved with weight control. High up on that list of naturally slimming foods is produce.

7 best foods for your heart

Walnuts: Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, Vitamin E, and folate, eating unsalted walnuts regularly can go a long way in protecting your heart. Like walnuts, almonds too are a good source of nutrients for your heart. Spinach: Leafy veggies, particularly spinach, provide iron, vitamin

8 bad brushing habits that harm your teeth

Turns out, there are a host of common mistakes that many of us make morning and night that can damage teeth and turn a healthy smile upside-down. Find out what you’re doing wrong — and how to break these bad habits for better teeth.   You don’t brush for long enough Most people

Five ways you’re damaging your hair

Capital-based dermatologist and hair expert Sonia Mangal shares how  Use of straighteners People tend to directly put the straightener on their hair to make it look straight, but it damages your hair and makes them dry, rough and frizzy.  Over-brushing of hair It can also lead to

Get Rid Of Stretch Marks Naturally

Often considered as a frustrating esthetic problem, almost every woman on Earth wants to get rid of her stretch marks and have a smooth, healthy looking skin. Some people claim that the damage caused by stretch marks is irreversible, but studies have shown that there are many natural ways

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