Tuesday, 25 Feb, 2025


Makeup on acne

However, the right product can, not just camouflage your acne marks but also lend an elusive iridescence to your skin. Dr Sama Rais, consultant dermatologist and cosmetologist says that if one is suffering from mild acne one must preferably apply light makeup like a daily-wear

It’s cool to be a working mother

Says, working mother of a five-year old boy, Moumita Das, "I was repeatedly cautioned by my friends, family and well-wishers to drop the idea of working after I delivered my son. But then, I had to because I help my husband support our family financially. While there is always that

What's wrong with men cooking?

No, we are not talking about the super chefs at star hotels, we're talking the guy-next-door; the white-collar worker, and the corporate types, who suddenly seem to have gotten very comfortable in the kitchen. Scan through the names registered for cookery workshops across the state

5 things women notice about men on first date

you reached bang on time to pick her up and have dressed to impress. But there are certain things that a woman notices on your first date and makes an impression about you.  From your body language to the way to treat the staff of the restaurant to even your nails, your girl is taking

Get perfect beach holiday skin

Jill Zander, founder of the Jill Zander Skin Rejuvenation Clinic, shares tips to keep skin looking beautiful in the summer sun and beyond, reports femalefirst.co.uk: Sun protection: Use a sunblock daily. Always include your neck, decollete and backs of hands and reapply frequently.

Tips to correctly check your blood sugar

Managing your blood sugar level is very important if you are a diabetic. And these days, you don’t really have to run to a diagnostic center every time you want to test your sugar level. The blood glucose meters available at the chemists make your life a whole lot simpler. A blood

How spices and herbs improve health

While red pepper may assist individuals who are trying to manage their weight, cinnamon may help improve blood glucose levels and insulin sensitivity, showed the findings of separate studies. “We now understand that spices and herbs have a meaningful role to play in bringing flavour

Beauty uses of papaya

If you apply a finely grounded paste of raw papaya on your face, it will help reduce pimples and blemishes! Mashed papaya can be used for treating the sore and cracked heels. The peel (skin) of the papaya can not only be used on the face, but it should also be used for whitening the

How to Apply Eyeliner

Eyeliners can make your eyes look bigger, gorgeous and dramatic. Eyeliner will usually be available in pencils, cream, or a liquid. For a smooth, fine line, a cream eyeliner or liquid eyeliner is the best choice. For a smudgy, blurred look, consider a pencil. Pencil eyeliners are easy to

Common unusual food phobias

Food phobias can be as scary as the fear of flying or heights. Here's looking at some of the unusual food phobias. A meat-lover's nightmate There are a few phobias that could haunt meat eaters in their worst nightmares... 1. Alektorophobia is the fear of chicken and,

Stress Causes and Symptoms

However, no matter how prevalent the problem, the idea is to broaden your knowledge about the concept so that you know what leads to it and about the onset if you are facing it. Causes of stress The guide below is a professional health list that gives you the top notch and the most

Work towards soft, youthful hands

It's advisable to get a manicure from a reputed salon that practice good hygiene procedure. Once a week, one should soak their hands in soapy water for a couple of minutes and then file the nails before applying nail paint. One should not scrap off nail paint because this weakens the

Exercises for Six-Pack Abs

  (e.g., bending your chest toward your knees at the back) is just about “the worst thing you can do for your back,” says David Larson, C.S.C.S., a strength coach at Pulse Fitness in Scottsdale, AZ. In addition to swapping crunches for some more complex moves (detailed below),

Spray Your Perfume 

The best places to apply perfume are your pulse points. These areas of your body are known to have a collection of veins and arteries, which can easily become warm, releasing scent as you go about your day. The top pulse points to apply your fragrance include -The areas just above

Top 10 health tips during working hours

1. Keep walking. Sitting in front of the computer for hours on end is nothing short of a modern-day curse. It’s bad for your posture, bad for your blood circulation, bad for your eyes and in general bad news all round. Combat this by making it a point to get up off your desk once every

Dealing with social phobia

Learn to control your breath: Social phobia often results in over breathing, which throws off the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in your body and makes you feel anxious, dizzy, giddy and nervous. Learn how to slow your breath down to bring your physical symptoms of anxiety under

7 beauty secrets you must know!

Secret 1 Drink water: Thinking it's no secret? Well, forget about the eight glass rule. Make sure you drink just enough that you don't feel thirsty. Says freelancer Prachi, "My skin gets all flaky and dry if I am not well hydrated." Secret 2 Sunscreen is a must: Sunscreen is

Orange juice can make you look more beautiful

They attribute the benefits to the vitamin C, potassium and folic acid it contains. Vitamin C is essential in the production of collagen, along with super nutrient Lutein. Its yellow pigment is linked to reducing sun-induced skin damage and is believed to improve elasticity of the

Benefits of cycling as an exercise

As a kid, all one ever wants is a cycle! Many even used it to go to the school and the pride of owning a cycle was clear for everyone to see. But things change with time and now most people prefer bikes and cars. But let’s not forget that even today, cycling still continues to be one of

4 Foods to Help You Focus Better

A new study from the British Medical Journal showed that cognitive decline-a decrease in memory and reasoning capacity-can start to affect our brains as early as 45! Give yourself a mental boost now with these four foods.  Leafy Greens  A study in Neurology showed that people who

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