Six more dengue cases reported in 24hrs
First kangaroo IVF embryo sparks hope for endangered species
DHAKA: With the winter season in full swing, are you feeling too cold or lazy to head to the gym and workout on the treadmill? Here are some simple home-exercises that will not only help you beat the winter blues but also keep your waistline in check, reports Chair
DHAKA: One loses at least 50 to 100 strands of hair on a daily basis which is perfectly normal, as per dermatologists. However, when this exceeds, it leads to hair thinning or balding patches, known as alopecia. People in their 30s are prone to suffer from hair loss problems due to
DHAKA: Sleep deprivation causes damage to cells, especially in the liver, lung, and small intestine, says a study, adding that sleep recovery following deprivation heals the damage. The findings suggest that sleep abnormalities are risk factors for cardiovascular disease and cancer,
DHAKA: Yoga is emerging as one of the most effective weapons to combat stress in youth. This ancient art of marrying the soul and body together can bring about the desired harmony besides improving work life balance. However, sifting through the vast jargon of several yoga forms can be
DHAKA: It is often believed that an afternoon nap can do a body good. But there are people who are not convinced with the power of the afternoon snooze, reports Most people think napping is only for the lazy or those under the age of 5. But the fact is that a short
DHAKA: Perhaps driven by fear, people often prefer to dismissing potential warning signs of cancer, thereby putting their lives at risk, says a study, reports The Times of India. In the study involving 1,700 people, more than half (53 percent) said they had experienced at least one
DHAKA: All of us know that peanuts are healthy. However, not many of us are aware of the number of calories in peanuts. To give you an insight, here is a list of calorie count of peanut in different food items, reports the Peanut dip: 1 tbsp = 61.1 cal
DHAKA: Immunization Platform of Civil Society Bangladesh (IPCSB) has started its journey with the goal to prevent six infectious deceases of children in the country. Health and family welfare state minister M Zahid Maleque inaugurated the IPCSB, an initiative of Bangladesh Breastfeeding
DHAKA: Mishri or rock sugar is crystallized sugar and has its origin in India. This sweet candy is packed with numerous health benefits and hence, is extensively used in many sweet preparations. Know the top six amazing reasons, why mishri is good for your health, reports
DHAKA: When abnormal cells develop and spread in a woman's cervix (the lower part of the uterus), it leads to cervical cancer.Experts say when detected early, there are high chances of complete recovery, reports The Times of India.Unfortunately, symptoms of cervical cancer rarely show up
DHAKA: There are hardly any negatives to working out and today we give you the five best motivations to hit the gym, reports The Times of India.Boosts confidence: According to a recent psychological study, those participants, who followed some sort of an exercise routine, were found
DHAKA: Trying your best to burn all that extra fat but not quite achieving your target? Here are some tips that will give your metabolism a boost and increase lean muscle mass, reports the Times of India. 1. Protein's the way to go: Are you getting enough protein? If you want to increase
DHAKA: Here are some tips to take care of your skin this winter season, reports the Times of India. Get a facial: Getting a facial is a great way to clear out your skin and start a new season. As the climate changes, so does our skin and an aesthetician can help ease the transition.
DHAKA: Sweating helps shed the kilos!Sweating helps shed the kilos it’s confirmed! You need to sweat it out to lose weight. Usually it's the water and fluid that make a person feel heavy. So this 'water weight' can be eliminated through sweating. But it's also important to gain back
DHAKA: A drug that can encourage nerves in the spinal cord to grow and repair injuries has been developed by US scientists.The study on rats, published in the journal Nature, showed some degree of movement and bladder control could be restored.The drug works by disrupting the "sticky
DHAKA: HIV is evolving to become less deadly and less infectious, according to a major scientific study.The team at the University of Oxford shows the virus is being ‘watered down’ as it adapts to our immune systems.It said it was taking longer for HIV infection to cause Aids and
DHAKA: The theme for World AIDS Day 2014 is ‘Getting to zero’. Zero New HIV Infections, Zero Discrimination and Zero AIDS-related deaths.According to the GAP Report from UNAIDS, 1.5 million people worldwide died of AIDS-related illnesses in 2013. By the end of 2013, an estimated
DHAKA: Have wavy hair? If you think styling them is the most frustrating part of your morning routine then here are tips for taming them. Wavy hair can be a boon as you can style them in various ways. Here’s what you need to do. Find the right shampoo: Opt for a shampoo that suits
DHAKA: Individuals, who have had a heart attack, are generally at an increased risk of a second one. But with simple lifestyle changes and following a few precautionary measures, a second attack can be prevented. Here are few simple, yet effective tips to help prevent a second heart
DHAKA: Tan removal creams, hydra facials, anti-acne gels… the list go on! If you are confused and want to stay away from all these products but still want to keep your skin happy, why not give home-made fruit face packs a try? If you choose the right one, they won’t disappoint in