Friday, 28 Feb, 2025


6-step plan to reverse ageing

With all that thinning of hair, crow's feet and tired skin, the college reunion photo has you looking pointedly old.Twenty years, you tell yourself, shouldn't have taken this harsh a toll. Duke University's Center for the Study of Ageing and Human Development has tried unpacking a

Weekly Beauty Tip

DHAKA: This week’s beauty tip is on ‘Oxblood Lips’. Take your makeup box and try…Oxblood LipsWe’re loving American television personality, fashion designer, and author Lauren Conrad’s dramatic, oxblood lip that she showed off at the Design for the Cure Gala.We caught up with

Why some people choose unattractive partners

For example, the pairing of an unattractive woman with an attractive man is more likely to emerge if the partners had known one another for many months prior to dating.Partners who began dating within a month of first meeting each other showed a strong correlation for physical

Six ways to keep fit during monsoon

A morning drizzle or evening showers during the monsoon might hamper your daily walk. So, does it mean that you should stop being active Absolutely not! Try spot running on the floor or dance to stay fit even if it pours heavily outside, says an expert.Saravanan Hariram, fitness coach in

Favorite monsoon foods made healthy

The cool breezy weather, colorful umbrellas, soothing sound of raindrops and smell of fresh mud are indeed very refreshing. But along with this we need to prepare for the germs and bacteria which one cannot escape coming into our foodand water, thus testing our immunity and the resistance

Why people love to walk

As the trek happy Amdavadis are making plans to grab every single nano-second of the monsoon magic, the feeling of being at one with nature has Amdavad's young go for nature walks.Known for its health benefits, the concept of nature walk, especially during weekends, has caught up the

Weight loss tips Calories versus fat

Burn calories or burn fat - what is important for weight loss Do we need calories or fat in the body We take a look at the difference between calories and fat for weight loss.FatWhat is fat'Fats consist of a wide group of compounds that are generally soluble in organic solvents and

Top 7 tips for maintaining office hygiene

Cleaning and disinfection of office work spaces. Viruses are breeding round the clock, especially when it comes to hard surfaces, like office desks, office floors and so on. Make sure your office administration staff routinely cleans door handles, countertops, keyboards and doorknobs with

Top regrets of a woman

From choosing a wrong career path to not having children are some of the major regrets in life for a woman, according to a recent survey.Experts who carried out the detailed study, conducted by Diet Coke, also found that a large percentage of the surveyed women lament a failure to lose

Your go-to guide for dating apps

Once upon a time, it was a rendezvous at the bus-stop. The person of your dreams walked up, eyes met and a small chit changed hands. The next date -a movie together, or coffee at a small restaurant -was fixed.But that was back then, when there were no mobile phones -or casual dating.

Ways to prevent monsoon acne

Skin problems like acne usually do not have a particular season. Though known to be quite rampant during the summer, it can affect your skin during the monsoon as well. To help fight this problem, here are a few things that you must keep in mind Start by using products that have anti-acne

Survival guide for introverts

If you're introspective by nature and have been called shy, reserved or withdrawn at various points in life, you belong to the quiet tribe of introverts. They are people-loving folk who also like their solitude. They recharge their batteries with quality alone-time and usually keep their

Six effective health tips for working people

Taxing nine-to-five jobs, long hours in front of a computer screen, uneven sleeping patterns and diet issues sum up the lives of most corporate employees. To lead a healthy and fit life, they should keep water handy, carry home cooked food and more, says an expert.Suvro Ghosh, founder of

Health benefits of canola oil

When you decide to stay fit and adopt a healthy diet, check out the cooking oil you’re using as it might hold the key to a healthy lifestyle. Here are a few advantages of canola oil which can help you lose weight and cut the risk of lifestyle diseases.Canola oil is extracted from the

Makeup on acne

When you are suffering from acne you need to be careful of what you wear on your skin because the wrong cream or powder can aggravate your condition. However, the right product can, not just camouflage your acne marks but also lend an elusive iridescence to your skin.Dr Sama Rais,

Things to do at home on a wet wet day

The most romantic season of the year is also the dreariest, especially if you're cooped up at home while it pours cats and dogs outside. The sight of an overcast sky and the raindrops tapping incessantly at the window glass is a recipe for melancholia. Here's how to bring back the

The mesmeric allure of mysterious book titles

Old or new, book titles can range from one word - a fairly direct verb (Kidnapped), places (real Dubai, abstract Fatherland or imaginary Utopia), names (Lolita, Dracula), abstract qualities (Persuasion), or even time (1984, Twilight), to several words, based on some combination of these.

Weekly Beauty Tip

DHAKA: This week’s beauty tip is on ‘Minimal Makeup’. Take your makeup box and try…Minimal MakeupThe ‘no makeup’ look can be an anomaly in itself. The concept implies a polished, bare-faced appearance, but at the same time, you run the risk of looking washed out.At the Calvin

Nine common skin care mistakes to avoid

Picking the wrong sunscreen, using harsh soaps and changing dermatology products frequently are some of the common mistakes women commit when it comes to caring for their skin. Avoid them to attain a healthy skin, says an expert.Sonia Mangal, medical director at Myra Skin & Hair Solutions

How exercise helps control blood sugar

Researchers found that waist circumference, percentage of body fat and hemoglobin A1c levels, a test of long-term blood sugar, all improved in diabetic participants who exercised compared to those who did not.And the beneficial effects of exercise were seen whether they participated in

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