Wednesday, 26 Feb, 2025


8 ways how you can make use of banana peels

Bananas are known to be healthy fruits. However, not many know that the peels too are full of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. So the next time you eat a banana make sure you use the peel, keeping these tips in mind. Prepare compost Banana peels are known to break down quickly and

Are you feeling gymtimidated?

It's a common feeling many gym-goers experience. You resolve to lose weight by exercising daily and diligently at the gym. But just when you think you are ready to sweat it out, the sight of toned bodies working out next to you, makes you apprehensive. That's what's described

7 Things to Do to Spice Up Your Boring Life

When you feel like your life is getting really boring, you should do all possible things to spice up your life. Perhaps you career bothers you with constant obstacles and chronic tension. Moreover, you can be oppressed and bored with love or marriage routine, thinking and dreaming about

Dream Weddings at Radisson Blu Chittagong Bay View

DHAKA: Dream weddings come in reality at Radisson Blu Chittagong Bay View in the port city. With panoramic views of the Chittagong Bay, it features with 2 grand pillars less ballrooms and over 2100 m2 of space. It also combined the ultimate of style and sophistication with a wide

10 natural cough remedies

How to quell that cough without resorting to over-the-counter medicines that are possibly ineffective and may offer a host of their own side effects? With natural remedies, of course. Here are some favorite folk ways to relieve a nagging cough.   1. Homemade honey cough “syrup”

8 ways to make your mornings more pleasant

Over the last few years, there has been quite a bit of research and data-mining (as well as a plethora of anecdotes from titans of business and other successful folks) about how to start the day most effectively — the key is that they all have a morning ritual, from Mark Twain to James

How to control anger 

Recent research from Harvard found that in the two hours following an angry outburst, a person's risk for a heart attack shot up nearly five times and their risk of stroke was increased more than three times. Risk for arrhythmia was also increased. Researchers say that there are

Interior tips to make your home look spacious

Big-size couches, antique dining tables that take up a lot of space and unnecessary shelves and cupboards that leave our homes with little place to walk, is how most houses look. Here's a look at some compact housing solutions that can be easily adapted without making major changes

Top 10 health tips for men

According to the Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other leading institutions, diseases such as heart disease, cancer, chronic lower respiratory disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and suicide are the leading causes of deaths among men. Syeda Kiran Zahra Hussain, Certified Holistic

Why obese teens are often friendless

A new study using social network analysis to clarify the role of obesity in adolescent friend selection has revealed that normal weight teenagers generally reject obese people from their friends circle. David R. Schaefer, Associate Professor at School of Human Evolution and Social

What's wrong with men cooking?

Gone are the days when women used their culinary prowess as bait to win men. Guess who's putting this skill to good use now? Men! No, we are not talking about the super chefs at star hotels, we're talking the guy-next-door; the white-collar worker, and the corporate types, who

How to Be Happy

How to Be Happy: 8 Ways to Feel Better About Everything Lyubomirsky, based at the University of California, Riverside, believes that everyone has his or her own set happiness level, noted the New York Times in a recent profile of the researcher. And the less happy among us tend to

Top 5 benefits of power naps

An afternoon nap is always frowned upon. We’ve always been told that it makes you hazy, lazy and disoriented. However, research suggests that a quick mid-day nap or ‘power nap’ can make you alert, reduce stress, improve your cognitive functioning, refresh and stimulate you! What

Red meat ‘good for health’

Red meat consumption is good for cognitive function and the body’s immune system, a new research has suggested. The Seven Ages Of Man study found that anything up to one pound of meat can be consumed every week without leading to a greater risk of health problems, the Daily Express

Tips to get flatter stomach revealed

With the right plan, it’s actually easier to lose that stubborn lower-body fat or the seemingly impossible to tone back-of-the-arm flab. Stick to a healthy diet and exercise guidelines, and you’ll be slimmer and healthier by summer. Obviously, you want to keep your calories in a

5 Natural Remedies for Heartbreak

At some point in our lives I think most people have experienced heartbreak. Romantic relationships are beautiful yet quite challenging at times as they serve as great teachers. Relationships bring up anything that needs to be healed and integrated within you. We open ourselves up and

How to Get Sparkling Eyes Naturally

In order to get rid of old, dusty and tired eyes, we bring you helpful tips that can help you have beautiful sparkling eyes, in no time at all! Incorporate these tips in your daily life to achieve best results. Tips for Sparkling Eyes with Home Remedies: 1. Place tea bags (chamomile

Natural Remedies for Goiter

A goiter is an abnormal enlargement of the thyroid gland and can occur for a number of different reasons. The thyroid is a small, butterfly- shaped gland inside the neck, just below your Adam’s apple. The thyroid gland produces hormones which control the body’s metabolism and regulate

Can colleagues be friends?

Your best friend has got a new job and now he is your teammate at work. But wait is it really a reason to rejoice? It is often said that when you mix your personal and professional life, things get a little difficult to handle. So, can your workplace attract fair weather friends? Or

Making rose potpourri at home

The first notes you inhale on entering a home says a lot about its inhabitants. The French, however, have made an art out of making sure that their homes fill your senses with fragrant woody notes. All this is made possible by a handful of dried flowers kept in a bowl. They are called

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