Tuesday, 25 Feb, 2025


Top 8 home remedies to reduce belly fat

Belly fat is a return gift that our haphazard lifestyle and wrong eating habits give us. Belly fat has always been a major concern area.It not only destroys your image but also increases your risk to many health ailments. Try these Ayurveda tips to lose the fat deposits around your

Natural Home Remedies For Insomnia

Insomnia is a sleep disorder which is characterized by the inability of a person to fall into sleep and or to stay asleep. Insomnia can affect people of all ages and the main symptoms include, difficulty in falling asleep, waking up during the night and difficulty in going back to sleep,

Weekly Beauty Tip

DHAKA: his week’s beauty tip is on ‘Balanced Eye and Lip’. Take your makeup box and try…Balanced Eye and LipWhile the general rule of thumb is to balance a bright lip by skipping the eye makeup, American actress Rashida Jones changed the game by topping her coral lipstick with a

Nails Care

Nails have become the integral part of style. Nails care is very essential as your hands are always visible and most prominent part. Nail care is also very important for personal grooming. It will look awkward that you applied makeup carefully and dressed well but your nails are pale and

New Spa Trends For Girls

The new trend in spas is seen now which is that girls are visiting it more often. The new spa trends for girls is really getting famous in Pakistan.  This trend is most popular with the younger generation.The new spa trend for girls is also getting famous because so many new spas are

How to Get Rid of Back Acne and Chest Acne

Well, acne is a big trouble for a woman.  Acne look bad and you feel ugly when you have acne on any part of your body. Acne is very common skin problems of teenagers.  Chest part is the very sensitive so here we will give some chest acne guide, follow it to avoid acne. Back acne is very

Should I Get Divorced?

And it`s difficult at times to know whether or not to go through with it at all.  Sadly, many of us are unhappy in our marriages for different reasons.  The decision to divorce inevitably comes down to, "Is the pain of same greater than the pain of change?".Many times, thinking about

Organizing Your Child’s Toys

It’s time to do a little spring cleaning and organizing, so start with your child’s playroom. This room can get totally disheveled and unorganized because well, kids love to play! There are toys all over the floor, uncapped markers on your favorite couch, and you can’t even see the

Health Diet Protein at Breakfast

We`ve heard multiple times from multiple people that the most important meal of the day is breakfast. What we haven’t known until recently, however, is that there’s no scientific support.Heather Leidy, professor at the University of Missouri, tells us the importance of eating protein

Benefits of Playing a Musical Instrument

School is back in session! And with it comes all the activities that make our lives so hectic. We are all for getting involved, but we also understand the importance of downtime, so it’s good to help your children pick and choose extracurriculars wisely.While we are right there with

A Special First Day

As the little ones put carefree summer days behind them and hop on the bus to learn and grow at school, parents can establish resolutions that keep kids focused and their schoolwork organized. Start the school year with these six resolution ideas, and your elementary student will be an A+

7 Things to Wear That Make You Look Younger

Everyday, it gets harder to look younger. But, with a few style tricks, you can create a more youthful appearance with fashion that take years off your appearance. Learn how to choose and style the outfits that will make you look instantly younger.By following a few easy style guidelines,

How expanding waistlines may contribute to cancer growth

Studies of groups of people have demonstrated a link between obesity and certain cancers; however, the physiological causes have not been identified.The World Health Organization reports that in 2008 there were more than 1.4 billion obese adults in the world and that cancer claimed the

Sugar and calorie-free sweeteners

In addition to adding sweetness, sugar`s distinctive properties enable it to play an important role in food preservation.For example, sugar (otherwise known as sucrose) absorbs and retains water very easily and is therefore included in breads and muffins to help keep them moist and

How much water should you drink every day?

DHAKA: It`s important to drink water according to your lifestyle rather than follow the 8-glass water rule, say nutritionists.Water is your body`s principal chemical component and a natural detoxifier but not many are aware about how much water should we ideally drink everyday.Moreover,

Is it Possible for Men and Women to Be Just Friends?

Dan Callistein, licensed clinical social worker of Northfield, Ill., says it is possible for men and women to be just friends, but it can be difficult. He adds that both people need to only want friendship, and that doesn`t always happen. So, if there is any sexual attraction between the

Facebook Destroying Friendships

Yes, social media envy is an actual thing, and it may not only be affecting your Facebook friendships, but your mental state as well. A study done by sociologists at Utah Valley University on 400 college students found that the people who spent more time on Facebook had sadder outlooks on

Casual Fashion for Men

Casual male fashion may seem like an oxymoron, especially if your man thinks a grubby t-shirt and the jeans he`s had since college can pass as real clothes. Fortunately, there are some great casual fashions for men that even your guy will love. Help him find his personal style with a

Fruity remedies for your skin and hair

The summer has kicked off and it`s time to rejuvenate your hair and skin to save yourself from heat rashes, acne, frizzy and dry hair.If going in for expensive treatments at spas and salons are not your thing, here are some seasonal fruits you can use at home to help you get the

How to Lose Weight with Water

Water is one of the best beverages you can consume.  There is nothing more important for survival and more prevalent in our bodies than water.  Yet when it comes to daily life, more people drink everything but water ritually.  They drink coffee, diet pop, fully caffeinated sodas and

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